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About me

My name is Daniel Fraire, 


Born and raised in California. I've worked in pretty much every hipster industry you can name. 

I'm a huge coffee geek, and if my children ever get bedtime stories it will be on brewing methods of single origin coffees.... If you have no idea what I'm talking about then let me cut to the chase.


I started picking up photography when I was 21 as a hobby, but I didn't take it too seriously until I was 25. People ask me all the time.


"Why photography?"


My answer is simple and yet cliche.

I love being able to capture beauty in the moments. I love being able to freeze moments that no one can recreate. I love hearing people's stories.. where they came from; what they are doing; and where they are going.


But it's not just about hearing their stories but telling their stories through photography. 

It's a privilege to do what I do.


Dan Fraire



"My goal in taking any photograph is to create something that reflects your unique story."

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